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5 Handpicked Reasons Why You Need to Bag Yourself a Partner Who Loves Tea

Writer: Sacha KuruczSacha Kurucz

Finding love in this day and age is pretty hard. With so many things demanding our time, it becomes rather difficult to focus on the quest for “The One.” Where on earth do you even start? We’re all so very, very different, and therefore, will want and need different things. How can you ensure that what you’re finding is what you’re looking for? After all, time is of the essence. Go in too fast and your impulsive decision will leave you with a tasteless romance that you’ll want to bin off pronto. But wait too long and your taste will become bittered by a life of loneliness.

You can see where this is going, right?

We all want to find someone special and, just like a cup of tea, the search requires trying a few before finally finding the perfect match. With this in mind, it seems that there is a big clue in how to find somebody awesome – look for someone who loves tea!!

Trust me, they are the best. Want to know why? Keep reading…

  1. They’re Exceptionally Creative: Not only does tea appear to solve problems, but it also seems to work as fuel for ideas that have changed the course of history. For instance, it is well-documented that famous authors love their tea (Jane Austen, George Orwell, C.S. Lewis to name a few) and they have notably stated that much of their craft has been inspired whilst consuming the leafy refreshment. They even include the ritual as a way of setting the scene in their stories! (Pride & Prejudice is a good example of this) However, you’ll be excited to know that this artistic flow is not merely restricted to writers! A recent study found that most people are far more imaginative when fuelled by a good cup of tea, as it improves their mood while simultaneously relaxing them, making it easier to access their creative drive. Even modern-day musicians and actors such as Mick Jagger, Taylor Swift, Ozzy Osborne and Pierce Brosnan are all steep in love with the liquid gold, and with findings as positive as this, it’s easy to see why. So whilst tea to some may just be another drink, it’s rather evident that those who are avid fans of the stuff are quite impressive and successful people. Perhaps they might even end up being the next big thing…?

  2. They Make Great Lovers: Just what everybody wants from their partner – a great one! Another recent study showed that those who made the perfect cuppa would be more likely to find love, and it doesn’t really come as much of a surprise. Ardent fanatics of a good brew are well-renowned to be meticulous in their tea-making, and with their love of beautiful experiences sitting near the top of their list of priorities, it seems fair to assume that they’d bring this same attitude into a relationship. Making sure everything is perfect and that everyone they care about feels good is a part of who they are – it’s how they’re wired. So next time you head to your beau’s house for afternoon tea, check out how they make it. You never know, they could be the one!

  3. They’re Super Classy: As well-rounded as they are, tea-drinkers are suckers for the finer things in life. Having an adoration for tea means that they get very excited about anything that relates to it, including the quintessentially British tradition of afternoon teatime. Notoriously established by the Duchess of Bedford, Anna Russell, and openly adored by future members of the monarchy, such as Queen Victoria, a chance to play with porcelain and raise one’s pinky in the air over an Earl Grey is entirely “spiffing!” to a tea-lover. With such regal beginnings, it’s no wonder that fine etiquette and a zest for life is second nature to those who enjoy a good brew. All that and they’re still grounded enough to enjoy their first flush of Darjeeling just as much from a builder’s mug. As long as it’s made with love, they’re not one to fuss. Talk about a keeper!

  4. They’re Revolutionary Thinkers: With its ability to aid focus and diligence, it’s no wonder that theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein, liked a nice cup of joe! Famously known for his theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2, Alby was (and still is) a well-renowned leading figure in the world of physics. But in the world of tea, he’s celebrated for solving a different head-spinning equation – the tea leaf paradox! For someone who didn’t speak until he was 3, he certainly ended up having a lot to say later on in life. Incredible stories always begin in unexpected ways, though, and to quote Einstein himself, “Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world.” Which, as we’ve seen by the facts, tea will help fuel. Talking of imagination, just think of the breakthrough conversations you could have with someone like this. It definitely would make a welcome change from small-talk on a first date, don’t you think?

  5. They Have The Potential to Make A LOT of Money!: Ker-CHING! It should be pretty obvious that having the desire to master all of these inherent talents could aid a fantastically bright future. People who are drawn to tea obviously have a lot to offer. And so, in consideration of these gifts and yearning to understand the world around them, a true tea connoisseur knows how to hone in on their skills and apply them to their advantage. You only have to look at the success stories behind great tea chains for evidence of this! Founders like T2 tea’s Maryanne Shearer and Jan O’Connor, luxury brand leader, Maranda Barnes of TWG tea, eco-warriors Mike and Krisi behind Bird & Blend – the list goes on! A few of the stories even began in the bedroom! Proof that you can mix business with pleasure…Ahem. Anyway! Taking all of this into account, it seems that many tea enthusiasts possess a wealthy aptitude for business and a keen sense of entrepreneurship. And, much like when Assam meets Ceylon, these qualities – when paired together – make a pretty rich blend.

So, are you now convinced that a brew buddy makes the best buddy? I know I am! Though it must be said, as much as being with someone who makes a tasty chai sounds like perfection, it goes without saying that there are obviously many other redeeming qualities that make for a good significant other, too.

However, before you start narrowing down your search on POF and eHarmony in your quest for love, remember, if you do happen to find a tea-lover, keep in mind that they are perfectionists! They’re intensely passionate about quality, in tea and in life. Therefore, if you desire to create a harmonious fusion of you and them, offering them something especially unique is essential. After all, they live for the extraordinary. So make sure that when you approach them, you bring a little bit of wonder to the table.

“But indeed, I would rather have nothing but tea.” – Jane Austen

I’ll drink to that!

Cheers, everyone!




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